Recent Topics
Since new update, Calendar plugin not functioning properly
Since the most recent update, many of my events are not appearing on the calendar plugin. Help.
Events not loading in Calendar view
When clicking into Calendar view, only a few events appear. If I click "Go" the entirety of the events will appear as they should. Similarly if I click a month a head and a month back, the events will appear as they should but if I click the calendar
Multisite - 2 problems
New multisite setup only WP Event Manager and woocommerce installed. in the subdomain configuration I have 2 problems.. possibly related. On the primary site ( event manager works as expected On secondary sites ( I see
Venue Google Maps
I may be missing something, can't find a related topic or item in the KB, but there is no Google Maps functionality in the adding a venue form? I.e. when creating a venue, it would be great if using Google Maps with it to (auto)complete the address and
Event Tickets are blank/empty
Hi, when client receives tickets, those are blank pdf. I just made a clean instalation with only Woocommerce plugin. Can someone help?/advice?
I have people listed as organizers and i have attached organizers to different events. Shouldn't they be able to log in to the frontend of the website and see the listing of events assigned to them? I'm having a hard time getting them to view the event
Replace Google maps by another map
Hi, I would like to know if you plan to offer something other than Google Maps to display events on a map. Indeed Google Maps reduced its free quota some time ago and I fear it will be exceeded quickly, and I also fear that they will reduce the quota
Ical format failed
Good morning, Since I started using your plugin and the complementary ical plugin, I don't understand why the functionality exports me a .html rather than a .ics. Furthermore I find that the new feature which allows you to choose the calendar is a duplicate
Calendar export failed in the new version
Good morning, I updated WP event Manager as well as related add-on plugins. I was not able to test in the test version, because the licenses are for one site and as soon as I try on the pre-production then the license cannot be activated, this is really
Sell Ticket - Not Showing / Showing Incorrect Title
We're having two issues with Ticketing lately, which are not consistent from event to event. On one event the tickets are not showing up at all (we have the sell dates all correct, etc.). On another event, the tickets were showing fine, but have somehow
Improved calendar behavior
Good morning, To allow mobile users to see events in the calendar rather than displaying them on hover (only valid for PC users), could you improve this. What would be great is that when the user clicks (whether on mobile or PC) on the event in the calendar,
Category not showing anymore on listing view
Hi there, My event categories won't show anymore on listing view. The event types are still there, but the categories have been dissapeared. I enabled everything, used 'true' on show categories in the shortcode but they don't show. I opened the content-event_listing.php
Filter by tag not appearing
I recently added the Tag add on. The option to filter by tag appears briefly while the page is loading and then disappears, help
No events in Calendar view according to the short code used
Hello, When I put a filter in the short code, example: [events per_page="12" orderby="event_start_date" order="ASC" selected_event_type="festival" selected_datetime="today,2999-01-01"] Then I don't have no events in the calendar (example:
To get a view of all events on 30 days
Hi :)
I am new with this wonderful plugin with Event Manager Plus pack.
I have a question about the "selected_datetime" short code, I would like the first date to be today and the second parameter to be today + 30 days (to have a view of events over 30
Event Listing shortcode: selected_datetime not working with show_filters="true"
Hi, I have an events page with the following shortcode to display past events: [events show_ticket_prices="true" orderby="event_start_date" show_filters="true" layout_type="box" order="DESC" show_pagination="false" show_more="true" selected_datetime="1900-01-01,today"
Ical seems wrong
Hi all I can't import the Ical files generated by the plugin. Asking ChatGPT, it tells me that the date format is wrong. It seems to be mixing pm/am with 24h format. Example: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240905T203000PMZ DTEND:20240905T224500PMZ Is this something
List Attendees
It would be nice if there was a way for registrants to see a list of the attendees they signed up for an event. Can you all create a shortcode by UserID that will list the events that they signed up for and then give them a list of the attendees that
Sort by start date not working?
Hi, since the last wordpress update on my sites all events are not listed by ascending start date anymore. We use this tool with different filters (by category) on various pages. Here's an example: -> sorted
Event listing shortcode.
Hi I am testing the the WP Event Manager along with the WP Event Manager - Google Maps addon, and I have an idea that I believe could enhance the functionality of the plugin for many users. Feature Suggestion: I would like to suggest adding a feature
Good morning. I want to submit a Zoom and I receive this alert: As an admin, please connect your zoom account at Admin panel." How to resolve this error?
Issue with Loading Event Pages on Chinese Version of Website
The first page of the event loads correctly, but when I click to the next page, it fails to load. This issue only occurs on the Chinese version of the website; the English version works fine.
Event Registration - Hide "Register for Event"-Button
Hi, on the right hand side of an event detail page you have the buttons "Register for an event" and "start meeting" (I have the zoom-Add-On). I want to remove the buttins since I want to only let the user check out via woocommerce. How can I hide / disable
Include Zoom-Link in Woo-Commerce E-Mail
Hi, 1) I have the zoom-add-on installed and would like to integrate the zoom link into the order confirmation E-Mail of woocommerce. How can I do this? Thank you in advance, Tobias
IS WP Event Manager Plugin providing the APIS for listing events, registration of the events and alerts?
We want to purchase the WP Event Manager plugin. It seems compatible with the WordPress website, but I am afraid how we can use this plugin for our custom mobile app. If the plugin provides APIS for (listing events, register the events and Alert) these
How to make Additional Info fields visible for CSV import tool.
Hi, I have added various Additional Info fields (eg Email, Contact Tel - both configured as text fields) to my Event Manager posts, using the Field Editor - no problem. These works fine when adding a single new post manually. I am also using WP All Import
WP Event Manager Event list is not showing
Hi team, I am encountering with WP Event Manager on my WordPress website. Specifically, I am experiencing difficulties with the events shortcode not displaying events on the designated page (home). Despite troubleshooting efforts, I have been unable to
Some Pre-Sale Questions
Hello we have a forum and we have a website for it. We want to get visitors to register on our website, so we can give them a card with a qr code on entry. So I have some questions about this; 1) Can we have a registration form and keep user details on
Sell Tickets - incompatible archive
I'm getting incompatible archive when I try to upload the sell tickets add-on. Any help with this?
Emails Plugin
I just realized that my earlier installs had an email plugin that would alert whoever we entered in the registration email box that an email was done. In my latest installation, that is no longer available. Can you tell me if this is just an oversight
Event Tickets Keep Disappearing
We've got a series of events listed, similar but not identical (separate instances of each), and on a few occasions, the tickets for an event are simply gone. We've added them successfully in the past, even in one case had a few registrations already
Change "posted by" in registration (Change Registrant)
I have moved registration from another website and I want to connect the existing registrations to the appropriate person. I tried changing the "posted by" ID to the person whom I want the course to be affiliated with but it doesn't stay. Is there a way
Wp event manager custom
Good morning, I'm building a website using your fantastic plugin. I saw the various videos and understood that for better or worse it is possible to customize the plugin quite a bit. Before proceeding I would like to ask some questions, if possible: -how
Using only summary of event on landing page and create a link to another ticketprovider
Hi community, I am looking for a way to use only the event summary on my landing page, and refer any other detailed activity to my ticketprovider. Is there a chance to add a link somewhere, so the customer gets from the overview directly to the event
Expired events not disappearing from event shortcode listing
I use the [events] shortcode on my homepage to display events but for some reason events with a passed end date do not always disappear (sometimes they do). I've noticed sometimes it happens when an event doesn't have an end date, but there are several